NYS Will Keep Businesses & Schools closed through April 29

According to the Poughkeepsie Journal, NYS will keep businesses and schools closed through April 29th!

From the Poughkeepsie Journal :

Cuomo said the "NY on Pause" initiative will continue as the positive cases and deaths still are increasing, but yet showing signs they are starting to plateau.

The number of deaths in New York hit 4,758 on Monday, by far the most in the nation and up 600 from the day before. 

But the increases are appearing to level off, suggesting the state may be reaching its apex in its quest to ultimately lower the number of fatalities and cases, Cuomo said.

Also, the number of hospitalizations and intubations has fallen over the past two days, another sign of hope, and coming in lower than projections, he said.

To read the full article click HERE

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