Where are the Cooling Centers in the Hudson Valley?

Mother with daughter enjoying bubble tea

Normally at this time of year, every county in the Hudson Valley has their list of Cooling Centers up. We talk about them, we share that info with you, but not this year.

With the dangers of Coronavirus in closed environments, opening up centers with recirculated air doesn't seem like a safe thing to do. In fact, New York State hasn't even activated the Cooling Center application.

Where does that leave so many of our residents who, for one reason or another, don't have access to air conditioning? If you or someone you know is in this situation, here's a few tips to help stay cool during the dog days of summer.

During the day, keep windows and doors shut, close curtains or shades to help keep your home as cool as possible. Once the temperature outside is cooler than inside, normally in the evening or overnight, open windows up and turn on fans to help draw the cooler air in and get the hotter air out.

Being able to dip your feet in cool water, even if it's just a basin or in your tub, will help keep you cool and speaking of water, make sure you stay hydrated. When it's hot you need to drink more water than you normally would.

You also may qualify for CAP, which is a cooling assistance program. Seniors with health issues may be able to get an air conditioner if they don't already have one. Contact your local Office For the Aging for more information.

photos courtesy of Getty Images

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