Cybercrime Defense (Lecture/Instruction) at The Rosendale Theatre

The Rosendale Theatre

Cybercrime Defense (Lecture/Instruction) at The Rosendale Theatre

7:00pm, Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Admission: $10


With news of breaches and hacks almost daily, involving every company and government agency and health care organization you do business with, you need protection. These breaches can compromise your identity and bank accounts. The problem is that no one can protect you but yourself.

You need new life skills. It’s the dawn of 2025. If you don’t understand modern criminal and therefore victim behavior, you will become the latter. It’s just a matter of time. There is no containing breached data—your bank account numbers, passwords, social security number, etc.— once it’s out there. You cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Welcome to cyber boot camp.

Guest speakers Co-Founder & CEO Rivka Tadjer and Co-Founder & CSO/CISO Roberto Gottardello of ZeroHack Inc.


Today I Learned (A New Talk Series)

The Rosendale Theatre

408 Main Street

Rosendale, NY 12472

