Friday, October 15, 2021
FREE Farm Stand + Pop Up Coat Giveaway!
Walk-through and Drive-through options // COAT GIVEAWAY 10 am
The Dutchess Outreach Farm Stand is open to ALL. Don’t miss out on FREE fruits and vegetables! All the info is HERE!
Due to the Novel Coronavirus and the way that it is spread, we’re changing the way we operate our Farm Stand.
Starting at 10:00 am we’ll be welcoming cars and pedestrians through the front entrance of the Family Partnership Center off of North Hamilton St. to drive or walk through the front circle and pick up a FREE bag of groceries.
The Farm Stand is open until we run out, so get there early!
Pop Up Coat Giveaway
We’re giving away coats alongside our October Farm Stand starting at 10:00 AM and running until 12:30 PM.
Don’t miss your chance to get ready for the winter months. We’ll have a selection of coats for all sizes and genders available.